King Center Rentals

The Kenneth King Academic and Performing Arts Center is only available for summer season rentals mid-May through mid-August. Once the fall semester begins, the facility returns to its intended purpose of supporting the campus’ Performing Arts departments as instructional, lab, and performance space. To that end, performance and support facilities may not be scheduled by any other programs for use during the fall and spring academic semesters. This includes use by any other on-campus departments, student organizations, or off-campus commercial clients. If you identify a date during our rental season that works for your purposes, please reach out so we can further discuss the details.

Rental Inquiries

Performance spaces in the King Center are only available as rentals from mid-May through mid-August. Contact us at to discuss your individual needs, or to obtain more information on policies and space availability.

External ClientCapacityPer Hour4 Hour MinimumStaff Per Hour
Concert Hall520$250$10002 included; $35/hour
additional staff
Recital Hall192$125$5001 included; $35/hour
additional staff
Courtyard Theater150$250$10002 included; $35/hour
additional staff
Music and Dance Studio*75$50$200Staff from
performance venue
Main Street: Atrium Hallway*N/A$31.25$125Staff from
performance venue
Dressing Room: Individual*1$25$100N/A
Dressing Room: Ensemble*2-4$35$140N/A
Dressing Room: Chorus*20$50$200N/A
Green Room Suite (all dressing rooms)*50+$100$400N/A

*Must be part of a reservation including a performance venue