Central Receiving

Deliver van parked outside of Central Receiving

Expecting a Package from UPS or FedEx?

Central Receiving accepts all goods that cannot be delivered to your mailbox. These include, but are not limited to, large envelopes, books, boxes, furniture, and computers. 

Please note that we do not break down/down-stack pallets and any obstacles (doors, mullions, etc.) will need to be moved prior to delivery (arrange this with Auraria Access Control).

To ensure the same-day delivery of a FedEx Express package, it must be submitted to the mail room by 2:30 p.m.; otherwise, it will not be sent out until the next day.

How to Address Incoming Shipments and Packages

Department/Building Location + Room #
Attn: Individual’s Name
1201 5th Street
Denver, CO 80204-2005

Note: Items addressed to your actual physical address could be delayed because all carriers deliver to the Central Receiving office, not to your physical address.

Package Delivery Schedule

Please refer to our Mail and Package Delivery Schedule to determine when your package will arrive.


If you have not received a package within the expected timeframe, please call Central Receiving at 303-556-8401. If you need your item before the delivery schedule and would prefer to pick it up, call Central Receiving to make arrangements.

Oversized Deliveries

All oversized deliveries (e.g., those that won’t fit in an elevator) should be coordinated with the supplier as Distribution Services has limitations when the elevator is not an option.